Submit a complaint

Special Instructions

  • If your complaint is related to the Passport Program, please contact them directly using the following online formlink opens a new window.
  • To navigate the Office for Client Satisfaction form please note:
    • All questions with an asterisk are mandatory.
    • Do not include emojis in the description of your complaint. The use of emojis will cause an error when submitting the form.
    • The application is available for a maximum of twenty (20) hours. After 20 minutes of inactivity on a page, the system will notify you with a pop-up window. If you do not press OK within the expected delay time the page will time-out and any information entered during this session will be lost.
  • Service Canada does not tolerate inappropriate or aggressive behaviour, harassment or foul language. We will terminate communications with anyone who engages in such behaviour.

Information: Personal Information Collection

Service Canada takes its responsibility to safeguard your personal information, as required by the (link opens in new window)Privacy Act, very seriously. For further information, please see our (link opens in new window)Personal Information Collection Statement.

Please ensure you have first tried to resolve your concern or complaint with the responsible Service Canada representatives, managers or supervisors before contacting the Office for Client Satisfaction.

Contact Information

"Page details"

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